Your questions answered.

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Domain FAQs

  • We are a utilities billing solutions provider, supporting properties across the UK with Net Zero energy management and billing solutions. We are not a supplier. We are a utilities billing agent , appointed and operating on behalf of your landlord.

  • Your bills will be based on the tariff below, this tariff is for electricity only, and from 1st October 2023, we will also be billing you for Heat going forward and will communicate this tariff with you in due course.

    The amount you will be charged will be based on your actual consumption , wherever possible, if we do not have an accurate meter reading, we will estimate your consumption based on historic data.

    Electricity Tariff: 34.5p per kWh

    Standing Charge:

    1st Oct 2022 - 31st Mar 2023: 72.44p per day

    1st Apr 2023 – 30th Sept 2023: 40.64p per day

  • Your bill will be backdated to 1st October 2022 or, from your tenancy start date if you moved in after this date.

  • If you would like to pay your balance in full you can do so by using the payment link on your bill or by contacting the payments team on 0333 344 5293.

    Our opening hours are from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.

  • We have several payment options available, and our customer service team will be more than happy to support you with this. To make an appointment you can do so by booking a call with a member of the team and we can discuss a suitable payment plan.

  • Once you have paid off your balance, you will receive regular, monthly bills for your monthly consumption.

    We will be emailing you with instructions on how to set up your online account. Once you set up your online account, you will need to follow the online instructions on how to set up your direct monthly payment via Stripe.

  • If you have already moved out, you can follow the instructions on email communication to you and make arrangements to pay any outstanding balance. Alternatively, you can use the Pay Now button on your bill to pay your outstanding balance off in full.

  • If you have already moved out, you can follow the instructions on email communication to you and make arrangements to pay any outstanding balance. Alternatively, you can use the Pay Now button on your bill to pay your outstanding balance off in full.

  • For general queries, please call us on 0333 014 8461.

    If you have any payment queries or concerns, we have a dedicated phone line if you need support with paying your bills. Please contact the team on 0333 344 5293.

    If you’d rather not call us, please visit our Contact Us page to find more ways to get in touch with us.

    Our opening hours are from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays.