Breaking down your bill

  • A bill will tell you how much money is owed for the usage of utilities in your apartment. Your bill consists of a charge for the energy/water you have used (number of units used x tariff unit cost) plus a metering charge for each utility (number of days in billing period x tariff daily cost).

  • We use remote sub-meter readings to calculate the units used. If the bill is the first or final bill, we will cross reference the meter readings recorded when you check in/out against remotely collected reads.

  • If we do not have a meter read, we will use the Ofgem guidelines for the annual expected cost of an apartment of your size, for energy or water, and divide by 12 to give you an estimated bill. However, we commit to reviewing your estimated bill against an actual meter read every three months, so you can see whether your account is in credit or debit.

  • Whilst we know this isn’t allowing you to pay the exact amount, it is enabling you to budget and gives you a steady payment plan so that you do not receive one big bill every three months once your account is reviewed against the actual meter readings for your apartment.

  • You can either set up a monthly payment plan with Stripe, via your account on the Community Portal, or use the ‘Pay Now’ feature when you receive your bill.

  • We may apply adjustments such as late payment fees or goodwill gestures. Any adjustments will be added to your account balance and visible on your online account under ‘Transactions’.

  • Credit: You have paid more than is required for your current utility consumption.

    Debit: You have underpaid for your current utility consumption and money is owed.

    There are two parts to your utility bill:

    1: Unit consumption charge

    The unit consumption charge, measured in pence per kWh (p/kWh), is the cost you pay for the amount of energy you use.

    2: Daily standing charge

    Alongside the consumption charge sits the daily standing charge element. This is a fixed amount that is payable every day regardless of how much energy you use.

  • Customer Reference: This is your account number and is unique to you.

    Invoice Number: A unique identification number for your bill.

    Bill Date: The date the bill was generated in our system.

    Bill period (to and from): The dates that you have been charged for.

    Supply Address: Address of the property.

    kWh: kWh stands for ‘Kilowatt Hour’ and is a unit of energy measured by how much you use per hour.

    XX Consumption (kWh): This is the charge for your usage of a supply per kWh.

    XX Consumption (m3): This is the charge for your usage of a supply per m3. This relates to water and wastewater only.

    Electricity Consumption: This is charged based on your tariff in kWh and covers all use of electricity within your residence. In some residences this may include the heating of the water in your apartment.

    Heating Consumption: This is charged based on your tariff in kWh and covers all use of heating within your residence. In some residences this may include the heating of the water in your apartment.

    Wastewater Consumption (m3): Wastewater is water that has been used in the home and has returned to the sewer (e.g. water during showers, washing up, baths etc.) Wastewater charges include taking away all this used water through a network of sewer pipes, cleaning it, and returning it to rivers and the sea.

    XX Metering Charge (Days): Metering charges (also referred to as standing charges) cover the cost of the supply to your property as well as the collection of reads, billing, and administration of your account. This is a fixed charged which you will always have to pay regardless of your energy usage.

    BACS Surcharge 5%: If you are not signed up for an online account and pay via a monthly payment through Stripe, your bills will include an additional 5% surcharge. This fee covers the additional administration costs required to receive, process, and allocate your manual payments.

    Unit: This is the number of units of energy/water used, in either kWh or m3.

    Unit rate £: This is the cost per unit of consumed energy/water in GBP.

    Cost: This the cost of your energy/water usage. This is calculated by multiplying your units used by the unit rate. This does not include VAT.

    VAT Rate: This is the rate of VAT for each supply in percent.

    VAT: This is the total of VAT per supply, based on your usage.

    Total: This is the total for each supply including VAT.

    Total Charges (Including VAT): This it the total of your monthly charges, including all consumption, metering, and BACS surcharge.

    Balance brought forward: This was your account balance before the current invoice was issued. This debit/credit balance is brought forward to include in the calculations of your account balance.

    Payment since last bill: If you have made a payment since your last bill, the value will appear here.

    Total Charges: The total charge for this bill period.

    Adjustments: Any refunds, credits, or late payment reminder fees will be reflected here.

    Your current balance: This figure details your current account balance and if you are in debit or credit. If there is a minus symbol before the £, then you are in credit. Debit means that you owe us and credit means that we owe you.